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Pre-K Program

Our Pre-K program is a perfect fit for children 4 to 5 years old.



  • Love for learning.

  • Creative, STEM based, fun filled activities everyday.

  • Phonics and math workbooks introduced.

  • Age appropriate fine motor development through art, tracing, and manipulative activities.

  • Age appropriate gross motor development through outdoor activities like tricycles, jumping, hoping, and skipping.

  • Develop appropriate language and sentence formation, pre-reading, pre-math, and simple science skills.

  • Social and emotional development through learning to play well and empathizing with others.

  • Learn the importance of sharing through group play and engaging in games with simple rules.


Your child will be placed/moved up to the program that best suits their developmental needs.

Pre-K Skills

Large Motor Skills

  • Can hop on one foot and skip with alternating feet

  • Balance on one foot

  • Throw a ball to hit a target

  • Ride a tricycle

Small Motor Skills

  • Print their name 

  • Use safety scissors to cut out shapes

  • String beads

  • Able to hold a pencil/crayon properly

  • Able to use eating utensils properly

Academics and Arts

  • Able to identify letters and their sounds

  • Count at least to 50 or higher

  • Recognize some sight words

  • Arranges objects in size order

  • Understands the effects of addition and subtraction

  • Learns to draw with directions

  • Continues to enjoy and take pride in creative art

Social and Interpersonal Skills

  • Easily transitions between activities

  • Continues to grow communication skills

  • Follows directions and rules

  • Able to state needs and wants

Self Help Skills

  • Learning to keep classroom and personal space clean and neat

  • Able to open and close buttons, zippers, snaps, and backpack/lunch bag

  • Coughing and nose blowing appropriately

  • Able to straw milk and juice boxes, as well as proper holding and use of spoon and fork

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